Catherine turned FIVE years old on Saturday. We had a fun filled day which included a birthday party at Wonderwild, playing, and eating Mexican. We could not be more proud of her! She has grown up so much the last year. She loves to talk and eat. I don't know where she inherited that from. She has a large appetite and is willing to try any type of food. She sometimes wakes up from a nap and just starts talking as though a conversation had been taking place while she was asleep.
She is definitely a leader (non pc word would be bossy) and appears to be fearless. She attended different types of camps this summer and has truly enjoyed each one. She adored Writers in the School that took place at OFE. The fact that she got to attend Logan's school was excitement enough for her. She enjoyed summer safari at St. Rose and VBS at St. Rose as well. This week she is at zoo camp and gave rave reviews after just one day. She was quoting animal facts and statistics so fast I could hardly understand her.
She will stay at St. Rose for Kinder as we feel this is the best fit for her this year. At first I thought she would be upset not to transfer over to Logan's campus but she was fine with it. She loves the social aspect of school.
We are trying to work on patience which is a constant goal for ALL members of the Dwyer clan. Her intense love for animals continues to grow and she still converses with, pets, and harasses Winston ten times a day. She is going to make an awesome big sister come January.
Her hair has not faded |
These two are thick as thieves |