Is this what people are referring to when you hear stories about the "terrible" twos?
I often find myself asking how much energy do you need to keep up with a two year old? The answer: A LOT. If I had to assign a quantitative measure to the word "A LOT" it would be a very large number. Or as Logan would say: "BIG". "Very BIG."
Three random phases Logan is currently in:
1- Completely obsessed with building agua towers, tearing them down, building oil towers, tearing them down, repeat over and over and over and over! What determines if it is agua or oil is something that takes place only in Logan's head. What I have learned - As long as Brian is building things with Logan, Mom's creations will never compare. Brian always out builds me and for that reason, Logan adores Daddy's agua (or oil) towers. Some days I am like, fine, whatever, I really did not want to build a tower with you anyway!!
2- For the last 6 months Logan has pretty much refused to take photos. He just runs away or puts his hands on his head. But here recently, he is all about a photo shoot. He actually poses now for the camera, as if he has taken a modeling class or something. These two pics were pretty cute.
3- In relation to 2, Logan loves to take pictures with the iphone. I can honestly say that over 90% are deleted but every now and again there is a keeper. This one of Winston is priceless. If my dog was ever arrested, this would definitely be his mug shot.
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