Brian has been traveling a lot this summer. I try to remain positive about it but I definitely have my nights where I am so tired and frustrated. There are only so many times I can answer the question why. Or with Catherine, her current kick is "No mommy, I can do it all by myself." If I had a dollar for every time she said that in the month of July, I could fund her first semester of college in cash today.
This is where gratitude comes in. July would have been exceptionally hard except that I was blessed with FOUR sets of visitors that included family and dear friends. I was so grateful for each visit and extremely thankful that I have a close family and college roommates that still love me! I also met new friends in July and that is always a good thing. It is important to always be meeting people, whether it is friends or neighbors or complete strangers. This helps create new experiences and friendships.
Brian only has one more business trip this year and trust me, I am grateful for this.
Mom and Dad |
Finally made it to Fung's Kitchen for delicious Peeking Duck |
Donald, Clare, Michael, and baby Dawson visited on July 4th |
Catherine and Apollo, her super very big puppy dog |
Aunt Ashton visited for 4 days and we had a lot of fun and a lot of Mexican food |
Hello college roommate....Love Cathryn and so happy she is delivering babies again.
Little Catherine was confused that maybe she was a doctor too. |
Brooke and I at the Astros game. Even the "laststos" are awesome to watch with fabulous seats.
Flowers from a friend after my car was broken into...definitely brightened my day. |
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