Thursday, June 21, 2012

Momma monster.

It is funny how things happen.  We have all wanted something so bad, like really wanted something, only to find that when you get are not certain you want it.  As any parent can relate, when you have your first child, you eagerly await and celebrate all of the first milestones.

The first smile…the first roll over…the first crawl…the first steps…the first words…

Well, according to everything I had read, your child is supposed to be speaking sentences by age 2.  When Logan was about 22 months, I made an appointment with our pediatrician to see if he needed a speech therapist because we were far from speaking sentences.  I told her how he had around 76 words in his vocabulary, but no actual sentences.  The pediatrician talked me down from my self-diagnosis of Logan's perceived speech issues.  She said everything was on track and that I needed to just sit tight…the sentences would come.

So sure enough a few days later.... his first sentence.

“Airplane gone.”

He was pointing in the sky at the sound of an airplane, but it was behind some clouds so we could not see it.  I immediately called Brian at work and proudly told him Logan spoke his first sentence.

We are speaking now and it is non-stop.  Some legible, some not.  Some sentences, some phrases.

This morning I was trying to delay waking up and he jumped on the bed screaming (not speaking), “Momma up.  Blanket off.  Katie milk.”  Now repeat over and over and over again.

Later, as I made my way to the kitchen to brew my essential cup of coffee, I passed the medicine cabinet.  “Katie medicine.  Momma medicine.  Logan medicine.” Repeat over and over and over again.

After I explained that we don’t need medicine, he abruptly cut me off,  “Logan hurt.”  “Band-Aid.  Band-Aid.  Momma, Band-Aid please!  PLEASE!  PAAAALEAAASSEEEE.”

(Melt down ensues.)

While I am happy that Logan is progressing with his speech, I do miss that innocent baby that could only babble and laugh (and sometimes cry!) 

A few nights ago when I was putting Logan to bed I got to hear a brand new sentence.  I was reading one of his favorite books, Where the Wild Things Are.

He stopped me mid-sentence and flipped back a page, pointing to the meanest dragon in the whole book, and said “Momma monster.”  And I said, “Oh no Logan, that is not Momma; that's the monster that Max runs into in the water.”

I turned the page to continue.  He turned it back, looked at me, pointed at the monster, and repeated, clear as day, “Momma Monster” (with a very large smile).  

So I asked him who told him that this monster is Momma…he smiled again and said, “Da-Da.”